Heartsaver CPR AED Blended (AHA)

Event Date:
Saturday, February 1, 2025 - 8:30am to Monday, June 30, 2025 - 8:30am
Course Status:
Event SKU: Event-2741
Registration Fee:
Facility Room:

You may take the bulk of your Heartsaver CPR AED course on-line through the American Heart Association and then complete a skills check-off in-person at the Center for Healthcare Education and Simulation (CHES).

To do this for Heartsaver CPR (massage therapists/day care providers/general public):

  • Go to the web-site: https://shopcpr.heart.org/heartsaver-cpr-aed-online 
  • " Add to Cart" - register and pay online. This is a 1 hr online course and the cost is $16.50. (NOTE 1:  If you need both Heartsaver CPR AED and First Aid, select "Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED". This is a 4.0 hr online course. NOTE 2: If you need First Aid only, please go to those instructions on our website.)
  • Access your Certificate of Completion of the online portion.  Either print this and bring a hard copy to the skills checkoff, or email it to CHES@edgewood.edu prior to the in person check-off
  • Call CHES, 227-2292 ext 1, and state "I completed Heartsaver CPR Online (with or without First Aid) and I need to schedule my Heartsaver skills check-off course". The cost of the check-off is $60. 
  • To register and pay online for the Skills Checkoff - go to the CHES website www.CHESwi.org    On the right side, under 'Ongoing Courses' select HEARTSAVER CPR AED (BLENDED).  
  • Your skills check-off will take up to 2 hrs and is completed at CHES.
99 slots available