GPS and online map users have reported being misrouted. Please refer to directions be-low.
From the East
Take Hwy 12/18 westbound.
Exit at Todd Drive.
Continue west on the exit ramp.
Turn left at stop light.
After going under the overpass, take first right at light onto frontage road.
After you have passed Landmark place, turn left at the entrance for 3113 and 3001 (Note: if you passed Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, you’ve gone too far)
The CHES is located on the 3rd floor of the beige building with green glass windows.
From the West
Take Hwy 12/18 eastbound.
Exit at Todd Drive.
Follow exit ramp as it makes a hairpin turn to the right.
Follow frontage road westbound past the Landmark Place.
Turn left at the entrance for 3113 and 3001(Note: if you passed Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, you’ve gone too far)
The CHES is located on the 3rd floor of the beige building with green glass windows.